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Diaphragm pump maintenance


Want to extend diaphragm pump service life, maintenance is very important:
I: pneumatic diaphragm pump seal washing

Flushing is an effective measure to control the temperature and prolong the sealing life of pneumatic diaphragm pump.
The purpose of flushing is to remove heat, reduce the temperature of the sealing chamber, prevent the vaporization of liquid film, improve lubrication conditions, prevent dry operation, prevent the accumulation of impurities and the formation of air bags.
Flushing is actually a direct cooling method, it has forward flushing, reverse flushing, full flushing and comprehensive flushing several.
The sources of washing fluid are internal and external washing.
According to the layout of the flushing population there are single point flushing, multi point flushing.

1. Forward flushing

When the temperature of the medium is 0~80°C, forward washing is usually used for washing cooling, which is a common method, and is divided into two types: self-washing type and external washing type.

2. Reverse rinse

The sealed medium from the sealed cavity returns to the lower pressure of the pump (usually the pump population), using the sealed medium self circulation to flush the sealed cavity.
This method is often used in situations where the difference between seal pressure and discharge pressure is very small.

3. Rinse

From the high pressure side of the pump (pump outlet) to attract the sealing medium, and from the sealing chamber to lead the medium back to the low pressure side of the pump for circular flushing.
This flushing is also called through flushing.

4. Double flush

Double support pump can be used for two-direction flushing, the pressure of the end of the sealing chamber is higher than the pressure of the population seal will be connected to both ends of the sealing chamber, the pump outlet end is reverse flushing, the pump is the population end is forward flushing, so called two-direction flushing.

II: pneumatic diaphragm pump seal cooling

The purpose of cooling is to remove heat and cool down. The ways of cooling are direct cooling and indirect cooling.
In essence, the former is a direct cooling method. The indirect cooling effect is worse than the direct cooling, but the cooling fluid requirements are not high. The indirect cooling methods include sealing chamber clamps, gland clamps and static ring clamps.
Backcooling is a kind of cooling method that USES coolant (water, oil, etc.) to directly cool the backside of the static ring. It has good cooling effect and can directly and rapidly cool the backside of the static ring. Also known as quench, it is usually used in combination with the flushing method.

III:pneumatic diaphragm pump seal role, meaning and status

Improve machine efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
Reduce friction loss, change sealing mode, change layout system, safety and environmental protection.
Although the sealing technology is not the core technology, but the decisive technology, although the seal is not big, just a component, but determines the safety and reliability of the machine.
Pneumatic diaphragm pump seals in daily equipment maintenance accounts for 60% of the workload.
Air operated diaphragm pump is used to seal over 86% of petrochemical process units.
With the development of sealing technology, pneumatic diaphragm pump sealing machine pump occupies a more important position.

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My name is Owen Fan,For 18 years in asphalt pump industry, Advantage is the gear pump, screw pump, centrifugal pump, diaphragm pump. If you want to choose or buy some china pump, please contact me.Email:
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